Wednesday, August 17, 2016

How to Cook When You’re Hangry

How to Cook When You're Hangry | A Couple Cooks

“Hangry…is that an app or something?” -Julio, on the A Couple Cooks Podcast

When’s the last time you got hangry? Hanger, that dreaded combination of hunger + anger, is the topic of our latest series on modern eating. It’s not because we think you’re all angry (at least, we hope not). It’s just that we’ve heard what you really need are ideas for quick meals on those nights where time or inspiration are lacking. And the lack of quick, wholesome recipe ideas leads to convenient but poor food choices. So to hell with those fancy, out-of-reach food porn recipes. This month is dedicated to simple, quick meals where flavor is key.

How to cook when you’re hangry? Check out our thoughts below on how to stay healthy while beating hanger.

What is Hanger?

Getting angry when we go too long without food has a new trendy name, but it’s not a new concept. It’s a scientific fact that our anger is designed as a survival mechanism.

In Alex and my quest to see what the everyday person thinks of hanger, we took to the streets to find out: do people know what hanger is? What do they do when they’re hangry? Do they turn to processed foods, or cook? Overall it was a mixed bag, but a highly entertaining one! We had a blast in downtown Broad Ripple catching up with random passersby on the Monon Trail. Check out the A Couple Cooks Podcast Episode 25 to listen.

First Line of Defense: Take the Edge Off

Not all hangry is alike. Sometimes it’s just a bit to tide you over before a meal. One of our biggest tips for cooking with spouses, friends or family is to munch on some healthy snacks to take the edge off. Some of our favorite healthy, wholesome & easy snacks for cooking:

  • Vegetables and hummus
  • Roasted salted almonds
  • Olives
  • Cheese

Triage: The 5-Minute Meal

We know that even some nights can’t support a 20-minute meal that dirties some dishes. If you’re in dire straights with only a few minutes and zero creativity, here are a few ideas:

  • Avocado toast
  • Tuna melt
  • Cheese & black bean quesadilla
  • Fried egg sandwich
  • Leftovers from the night before (the best quick meal!)

How to Cook When You're Hangry | A Couple Cooks

Step Up: The 20-Minute Meal

If all meals were snacks and triage meals, I’d get incredibly bored, wouldn’t you? (I did spend a good 8 years of my life eating Hot Pockets and cereal for dinner, but there’s no way I can go back now.) Here are our favorite 20-minute or less meal concepts that are easy to put together. We recognize that cleaning up afterwards has to be factored in as well, so pad your time appropriately on the back end.

  • Quick shrimp & lemon couscous: Shrimp is SO quick to stir fry, only 5 minutes, and sauteed in a bit of butter and garlic, it’s a big win on a weeknight. Couscous takes about 7 minutes to cook itself, so meal made.
  • Farmer’s market grain bowl: Grain bowls are so simple and can be made with just about any vegetables in your refrigerator. Here we’ve used bulgur wheat, which cooks in just about 15 minutes, and doused everything in our best balsamic dressing.
  • Simple black beans and eggs: No frills, people. Straight up simple scrambled eggs with our best black beans simmered with their own liquid, cumin and cilantro. Paired with avocado & tomato, it’s a visually appealing plate.

What are your favorite no frills hangry meals? We’d love to know. And let us know if you enjoy the podcast; thanks again to all our guests from Indianapolis!

Did you make this recipe? Do you have a hangry tip?

We’d love to hear how it turned out. Leave a comment below or share a picture on Instagram and mention @acouplecooks. In honor of our hangry series, use the tag #hangrynomore !

How to Cook When You're Hangry | A Couple Cooks

A Couple Cooks - Recipes for Healthy & Whole Living

from A Couple Cooks

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