Sunday, February 11, 2018


I have shared many a recipe for chocolate on this blog and in my cookbooks before. My original recipe remains one of my most popular (even though I look at the pics now and cringe... those were EARLY DAYS, okay??) But as the years have gone by, my tastes have evolved. I prefer my food less sweet now, it allows me to better taste the flavours of the other ingredients. And you know I am all about nutritional density, so while sweeteners do give me that mini dopamine rush, they don't provide much else. I would never tell anyone else to consume less sweeteners because your body is yours, and what you do with it is none of my business (THIS IS A FAT-POSITIVE SPACE)! But speaking solely for myself, I would rather leave out sweeteners in most of my food so I can get more nutritious foods in, and more flavour. Chocolate is a perfect vehicle to do this with. 


from This Rawsome Vegan Life

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