Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Top 5 Ways To Make Exercise For Weight Loss Fun

Losing weight takes a lot of time, energy, and dedication. To succeed in losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you will have to push through some difficult moments. You’ll question your exercise, diet, motivation and even the awesome progress you’ve made. Ultimately, this is what makes losing weight such an amazing achievement – you have to push yourself up to and beyond the mental and physical limits you had when you began your journey.

You Will Never Change Your Life Until You change something daily

No matter how far you’ve come or how far you’ve got to go, these difficult moments will happen. When they do, your motivation to continue exercising can fade or even disappear. To help with this, I’ve put together a list of the top 5 ways to make and keep exercise for weight loss fun throughout your journey.

The Top 5 Ways to Make (and keep) Exercise for Weight Loss Fun

No. 1 Buddy up

tip 1 buddy up for weight loss successAccountability should never be underestimated as a motivator. Finding a like-minded person with whom you can share the experience of losing weight (or just living a healthier life) can be invaluable to your continued progress.

You will both have someone to make sure you’re exercising regularly and you’re likely to push yourself harder and for longer if someone is there with you. This ability to challenge each other physically will lead to faster and better results for both of you.

The ups and downs of the weight loss journey you each experience will be smoothed by the other as you act as their motivator and they act as yours. Plus, at the end of your weight loss journey, the bonds you’ll have made through sharing such a life-changing experience will likely result in an amazing and close friendship.

No. 2 Pole dancing

tip 2 pole-dancing for weight loss successAlthough this suggestion is more targeted towards women, it definitely warrants inclusion in this list. Pole dancing is a fantastic workout to help your weight loss progress and boost your fitness and strength to new levels.

You get to meet similarly enthusiastic people who’ll help to keep you motivated and you get to sing and dance to good music – can you even call this exercise?! If you did, it’d be classified as a fun yet strenuous workout that uses body weight to tone and strengthen every part of your body.

On top of all this, it will undoubtedly benefit your self-confidence. Although professional training studios remove the taboo and sleaziness often associated with pole dancing, it is still inherently erotic. This means you’ll be in a comfortable environment that will boost your physical and sexual confidence – which will already be increasing because of your weight loss.

So you’ll be losing weight, getting fit, meeting great people, having fun, and becoming more confident – is there a downside to this?

No. 3 Rock climbing

tip 3 rock-climbing for weight loss success and funRock climbing and bouldering are fantastic additions to any fitness routine. These great bodyweight workouts will challenge you mentally and physically, and put the fun and excitement back into your exercise regimen.

You’ll also find the climbing community is incredibly welcoming and friendly. Climbers are a great group of people who are passionate about what they do and willing to share it with anyone who’s ready to get involved.

Although you may get off to a slow start, if you go regularly, you’ll undoubtedly see a dramatic improvement in your strength. You won’t be able to stop yourself building muscle as you continuously push and pull your body weight up and across a wall.

Not only will the exercise itself help you lose weight, but building muscle will help as well because your body will need more energy to fuel your bigger and stronger muscles. So because of including this fun and exciting workout as part of your regime, you’ll consume more calories all day everyday. This means more will be spent on output and not be stored as fat – so you’ll be losing weight even in your rest days!

No. 4 Team sport

Joining a social sports team is a great way to make the exercise you’re doing to lose weight more fun. It might be a sport from childhood that you haven’t played in years or it could be something you’ve always wanted to try – either way you’re sure to have a great time.

tip 4 team-sports are great for weight loss success and fun

You’ll meet new people, make new friends, and be motivated to lose weight and increase your fitness to help out the team. It will bring out your competitive nature which will only add fuel to the fire that is your motivation to continue and succeed at losing weight.

“If we’re growing, we’re always going to be out of our comfort zone” – John Maxwell

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Depending on the sport you choose you’ll likely have training once or twice a week. This means there’s very little chance for you to lose motivation and become lazy with your exercise. Plus, the team will be depending on you to show up and give your best and you won’t want to let them down.

No. 5 Join a community

Last but certainly not least, is to join a community so you can be supported throughout your journey. You’re obviously already part of the Moose is Loose tribe and that’s exactly the kind of thing I’m talking about.

tip 5 join a community for weight loss success

A community like this gives you somewhere you can go to learn new things, talk to people in the same place as you, take inspiration from people who’ve already achieved their goals, and most importantly stay motivated.

The added benefit of a community like this is that they’re lead by inspirational professionals whose mission it is to give you only the best information and advice.


So those are my top 5 ways to help make exercise for weight loss fun. They focus on meeting like-minded people who will motivate you towards success and making exercise more than a daily chore by adding fun, excitement and even a little competition.

I hope these tips help if you’re questioning your progress and doubting what you can do. Try them out and hopefully you’ll be able to persevere and go on to do even more amazing things than you already have.

If you have some other ideas on how to make and keep exercise for weight loss fun, please share them in the comments (or on social) as I’d love some more tips to help my clients in the future. See you in the comments!

“Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” – John Wooden

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Author Bio: Kieran Dixon

Kieran Dixon is a personal trainer and writer from New York. He is passionate about helping people achieve their health and fitness goals, whether in person or online. He loves yoga, rock climbing and playing basketball with friends. He is a regular contributor on healthlisted.com. As well, reach out on social at Facebook – http://ift.tt/1YVCuB2 and Twitter – http://twitter.com/healthlisted

from Dai Manuel: The Moose is Loose http://ift.tt/20wpF0I

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