Thursday, March 29, 2018

What is Biohacking and Why You Should Care

Biohacking or biohacks is a process that we have been following for several years. Biohacking is a way to manipulate the actions of the body with the brain to get the best results. Biohacking doesn't involve becoming a crazy scientist and executing crazier experiments with your body. Rather, it means using different hacks to understand what works best for you and use it to live your best life.

If you want better outputs such as more focus and energy, a better memory, be free of diseases, and perform optimally in athletics and business, then tweaking what you consume in a day can do wonders. A person can use quantified self-tools to measure the inputs and outputs to test the effect of these modifications.

What Is Biohacking?

Biohacking is a method of making changes to your lifestyle to “hack” your body's system and feel your best. Everything that you put in your body and mind- thoughts, food, or physical movement, all influence the way we act. With the help of biohacking, you can transform your body to be more productive, feel more energized, and give you an overall best possible version of yourself.

Some experts believe that gadgets and measurement tools are important to biohack yourself, but if you are beginning your journey, it is best to make small lifestyle changes first and give time to your body to adjust with the changes and see how you feel. As you are the expert on your own body, stick with the hacks that work for you and get rid of the ones that don't.

Biohacking can refer to:

  • Nutrigenomics, using nutrition to hack (take control of) human biology
  • Do-it-yourself biology, biotechnological social movement in which individuals and small organizations study biology using the same methods as traditional research institutions
  • Grinder (biohacking), people who try to improve their own bodies with do-it-yourself cybernetic devices

The Connection Between Biohacking And Fitness

If you are a fitness enthusiast, who loves to collect information and have a practical streak when it comes to taking charge of your health, incorporating biohacking elements into your lifestyle can give you excellent results. However, one point to remember is that the changes you see are not necessarily representing the bigger picture.

Moreover, no small tweak is going to change your life if you don't focus on the bigger picture. For example, if you are not eating vegetables at every meal, then consuming a cup of strong coffee will not help, or if you are lazy 24*7 and then workout for one hour to shock your muscles, then you are not getting any cardio benefit of exercise.

Biohack is important for people in today’s world as it gives them the freedom to explore biology and gain access to systems of the body that are too intricate to understand. With biohack, people don't need to put in extra efforts for staying healthy but incorporate simple changes in their day-to-day lives. The ultimate goal is to help people improve memory, focus, and mood through unusual methods.

4 Simple Ways to Biohack Yourself and Your Lifestyle

Simple biohacks are not only easy to implement, but they actually amplify your productivity while also effectively adding more time to your day. Here are four biohacks to upgrade your lifestyle:

1. Stay Fit With Meditation

The way we take care of our minds is just as important as the way we take care of our bodies. The benefits of meditation are tremendous, and it is also the ultimate brain hack. From increasing sleep quality and reducing pain to boosting productivity and lowering inflammation, meditating helps with the overall relaxation of the body. You can deal with the symptoms effectively if you are suffering from anxiety or stress with the help of meditation.

Daily meditation practice is going to affect your physical and mental health positively. However, it is essential to wear the right clothes while meditating. If you try to meditate in tight clothes, you will not be satisfied. But, wearing a pair of joggers will give you the best possible comfort level, and you will be able to concentrate on the movement of your body rather than the attire that you are wearing.

2. An Elimination Diet

It is a short-term eating plan to reveal the foods that you are allergic to. Simply remove food such as dairy, soy, corn, and peanuts for three to four weeks. Then slowly reintroduce them in your diet and keep a close check on how you feel and how your body responds to them physically. If you notice that a food item that you have added back into your diet is an irritant, remove it again and check if the issue clears up. The goal of the elimination diet is to pinpoint the allergens that you are intolerant to and make informed food decisions. It is one of the best biohacks for your body as you can eliminate the worst food offenders from your diet and feel good from inside.

3. A Good Night’s Sleep

If you are not getting enough sleep at night (usually seven to nine hours) or suffering from sleep deprivation, you are at high risk of health issues, including a weakened immune system, a higher risk for chronic disease, trouble concentrating, depression, and hormonal imbalance.

An easy biohack is to get enough sleep during the night and stick to a regular schedule to keep your circadian pattern in check. Moreover, it is best to avoid using electronics at night and keeping them away from the bed as the lights and radiation from your smartphone will keep you awake.

Effects of Sleep Deprivation

4. Stand Up Often

We spend an extraordinary amount of time sitting, from cars to desks to home and so on. All that sitting is damaging our health and might be even more dangerous than smoking. However, there is an easy way to fix it – standing up often. The important part is how often you stand, and not how long your stand.

Biohack your way to good health by simply standing up and interacting with the people around you instead of sending texts or taking the staircase instead of an elevator. Walking during long phone calls or taking a quick post-lunch walk will also be beneficial.

In conclusion…

Biohack is a fun way to figure out what your body prefers and how to make it feel even better, and it comes handy for people who have health problems. While there is nothing absurd about wanting to biohack yourself to feel good, it is important not to stray away from hardcore biohacking. Striking a balance in life will help you keep calm and stay on track.

If you are interested in learning more about the biohacking space online, here's a great list of the top 77 online biohackers to follow.

Example of the Biohacking Universe according to the Bulletproof Exec:

Author Bio: Harsh
Harsh is the co-founder of Fynd, a first-of-its-kind, e-commerce fashion platform, with a live inventory of 8K plus stores catering to more than 8 million customers. He is an engineer from IIT Bombay and has 7+ years of experience in the field of Fashion Retail, Hospitality, Management Consulting and Human Resources. He is currently working on expanding Fynd's presence on to the global radar.
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from Dai Manuel: Your Lifestyle Mentor

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