Thursday, June 2, 2016


It's bout time for another post, hey? So here I am, loyally yours, with bliss balls. These are pretty much anything you want them to be: dessert, snack, energy bite, whatever. Heck, eat them all for dinner if you wanna. They are dense and nutritious and chocolately and really quick to make. I tried to keep the ingredients simple and as usual, there are a ton of substitution options in case you don't have all the ingredients. 

I really appreciate all the love you've been sending my way, it helps more than I can express in words. I have been wearing my heart on my sleeve through this whole process and will continue to do so; it's hard for me to hide my thoughts and emotions. Freaky side note: I have inexplicably developed a heart-shaped bruise on my arm and I'm choosing to see it as a symbol of me wearing my heart on my sleeve (literally now) AND my body healing my broken heart / spirit, since as a friend reminded me: bruises are signs of healing. Feeling so rejected and alone lately, my anxiety-filled mind gets the better of me at least once a day and I end up thinking: I deserve this, it's my fault, I'm worthless... all that fun stuff. But reading your emails, comments and messages (+ talking with my friends and mum) reminds me that of course I'm not worthless, I'm just going through a tough time. A tough time that loads of people can actually relate to. Which is why I keep talking about it. Mental wellbeing is important, self love is important. But mental illness and heartbreak are also super real and not going away: we should keep talking about them. And we should keep eating bliss balls. I hope you have whatever kind of a day you want!



1/4 cup cacao powder
Pinch Himalayan salt
1/4 teaspoon vanilla powder
1 tablespoon maca powder
1 cup walnuts, preferably soaked for 4 hours in water then rinsed
1 cup rolled oats
1 cup dates
2-3 tablespoons coconut oil, as needed
1-2 tablespoons water, if needed

Sesame seeds
Hemp seeds
Maca powder 
Cacao powder

To make the balls: in a food processor, grind the dry ingredients into a rough flour. Add the rest of the ingredients and keep processing until a moist dough is formed. Ideally it will form itself into a ball, or at least when you press some of the mixture between your fingers, it will hold its shape and your fingers will be slightly oily. If the mixture is too crumbly, add more water, coconut oil, or dates. If it's too moist, add some more oats.

Roll the dough into balls and then coat in whatever you like! For the ones pictured, I used sesame seeds, hemp seeds, maca powder and cacao powder. Other ideas: cinnamon, berry powder, coconut flakes... it's up to you! Leave them in the fridge for a couple hours or eat right away. Enjoy!

NOTES: If you don't have maca powder, don't sweat it, just leave it out. You can use vanilla extract instead of vanilla powder. You can use cocoa powder instead of cacao powder. You can use any other nuts or seeds instead of oats and walnuts.

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from This Rawsome Vegan Life

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