Wednesday, November 23, 2016

A Couple Cooks Podcast Turns 1!


One year ago, we decided to try an experiment. A Couple Cooks as a website was created to be an overflow of Alex and my newfound passion for cooking after we got married. But we found that over time, it was difficult to communicate the joy of cooking in photographs and words alone. There is something powerful about the spoken word. For example, if someone mentions to me a simple or delicious recipe they made or tells me a kitchen tip, it’s much more likely to stick than if I read the same information. We also wanted to build a new sort of community for people who were interested in cooking at home, a community that extended beyond simple blog posts or an Instagram feed.

So, the A Couple Cooks Podcast was born. With no experience in audio, we were pretty nervous at the start. Also, who likes to hear the sound of their own voice? The editing process alone sent shivers down my spine. However, we wanted to take a risk on something new, so we took the plunge. To be honest at first, it was pretty hairy. We recorded the first episode 6 times (ugh) until finally we felt we could pull the trigger. Alex spent many long nights researching technical details. We had rehearsal upon rehearsal of trying not to Um, Ah, and make weird voice clicks.

Luckily, we made it through these hurdles and in one year, we’ve had more fun than we could have imagined creating a cooking podcast, truly. Some of our personal favorites from Year 1 are:

We’d love to hear from you — have you listened to the podcast? What would you like to hear in Year 2?

Also to celebrate our 1 year anniversary, we’ve got a couple fun things: an anniversary podcast and a giveaway!


We’re giving away the copper KitchenAid mixer similar to ours above! Click here for details and make sure to listen for the special instructions.


How to listen to our podcast? We’ve found there’s a learning curve for finding it! Here are a few ways:

  1. On your smartphone, open your favorite podcast app (such as Podcasts, Google Play Music, Stitcher, or PocketCasts). Search for “A Couple Cooks”. OR
  2. On your iPhone, go to our iTunes page and subscribe. OR
  3. For Android, click this podcast RSS feed link and select your podcast app.

A Couple Cooks - Recipes for Healthy & Whole Living

from A Couple Cooks

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